0x01 前言
我还没有仔细地探索其中的原因,但我的服务器已经有2个月没升级系统啦,所以通过命令 yum update 升级,升级过程很快且无错误。然而更新完成后却出现了问题…
0x02 问题点
virt-install --name win7 \ #虚拟机名称 --memory 8192 \ #分配的内存 --vcpus sockets=1,cores=8,threads=1 \ #分配的CPU资源 --cdrom=/usr/local/kvm/iso/win7.iso \ #windows7 系统镜像路径 --disk path=/usr/local/kvm/images/win7.img,size=100,bus=sata \ #虚拟磁盘路径 --network bridge=br0,model=virtio \ #网络类型与网卡类型 --os-type windows --os-variant win7 \ #声明系统类型 --noautoconsole --accelerate --hvm \ #windows不需要使用console、启用全虚拟 --graphics vnc,password=[your password here],listen=,port=[your VNC prot here] \ #VNC信息 --cpu host-passthrough --arch x86_64 #CPU穿透与架构
安装进程停留在“starting windows”,如图:

0x03 解决办法
通过Google也无法寻找到有效地解决办法,只能通过serverfault找到一个相关的问题。Ilias El Matani在这个问题的回答如下:
It's a (known) bug. Workaround: Change the display from 'default' to 'cirrus'. You can find this setting under hardware > display. Kind regards, Ilias el Matani
The video element is the container for describing video devices. For backwards compatibility, if no video is set but there is a graphics in domain xml, then libvirt will add a default video according to the guest type. For a guest of type "kvm", the default video is: type with value "cirrus", vram with value "16384" and heads with value "1". By default, the first video device in domain xml is the primary one, but the optional attribute primary (since 1.0.2) with value 'yes' can be used to mark the primary in cases of multiple video device. The non-primary must be type of "qxl". The model element has a mandatory type attribute which takes the value "vga", "cirrus", "vmvga", "xen", "vbox", "qxl" (since 0.8.6) or "virtio" (since 1.3.0) depending on the hypervisor features available.
--video cirrus #配置虚拟机视频硬件。
virt-install –name win7 –memory 8192 –vcpus sockets=1,cores=8,threads=1 –cdrom=/usr/local/kvm/iso/win7.iso –disk path=/usr/local/kvm/images/win7.img,size=100,bus=sata –network bridge=br0,model=virtio –os-type windows –os-variant win7 –noautoconsole –accelerate –hvm –graphics vnc,password=[your password here],listen=,port=[your VNC prot here] –cpu host-passthrough –arch x86_64 –video cirrus
virt-install --name win7 \ --memory 8192 \ --vcpus sockets=1,cores=8,threads=1 \ --disk device=cdrom,path=/usr/local/kvm/iso/win7.iso \ --disk device=cdrom,path=/usr/share/virtio-win/virtio-win.iso \ --disk path=/usr/local/kvm/images/win7.img,size=100,bus=virtio \ --network bridge=br0,model=virtio \ --os-type windows \ --os-variant win7 \ --accelerate \ --hvm \ --graphics vnc,password=[Your VNC Password Here],listen=,port=[Your VNC Port Here] \ --cpu host-passthrough \ --video cirrus #更新:2016年6月7日
0x04 安装成功